Thursday, August 26, 2010

Myrtle Beach Day 4

Our condo-unit 107 Laurel Court at Kingston Plantation
Gigi & Poppy with the kiddies on the beach
Sweet Allie Rae
Allie on her new boogie board
Allie on the water slide

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Myrtle Beach Day 3

Family Picture on the beach
Allie & Hunter playing on the beach
Hunter & Gigi by the pool
Too much fun in the sun :-)

Myrtle Beach Day 2

Day 2 on the beach
Hunter on the water slide with Daddy

Lazy River with Gigi
Little surfer had too much fun...

Myrtle Beach 2010

Hunter loves the beach!
First time in the ocean
Beach baby!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Hunter's 9 month Stats

Hunter went to the doctor yesterday for his 9 month check up. He weighs 20.7 lbs which is in the 49th percentile and he is 27 1/2 inches long which is only in the 25th percentile. But I think he was not strecthed out all of the way for the height check-the nurse did it very quickly. He has started pulling up in his crib in the last week so Clint lowered the mattress.

My little baby is very rapidly turning into a big boy! He is now sleeping without his sleeper blankets and he is wanting to be held less and less. He loves crawling around his room, the playroom, etc exploring everything. I really have to keep an eye on him now because he loves to crawl from his room straight into sissy's room and the first thing he always goes for is her doll house! This makes mommy nervous because there are so many little pieces.

My little monkey is really excited for his first trip to the beach! Just another week until we are beach bound!

Monday, August 9, 2010

I Should've Been A Party Planner...

I absolutely love planning birthday parties! If only money grew on tree's because I would be throwing some pretty awesome themed parties. Hunter is 9 months old today and I have already started brainstorming different themes for his big 'first birthday party'. Allie had an Elmo themed first birthday party. And I feel it is only appropriate to incorporate some type of monkey theme for Hunter's first birthday party. Surprisingly, there are actually a lot of various monkey themes for birthday parties. Sock monkey themed parties, mod monkey parties, Curious George, and the jungle theme. I am leaning towards the mod monkey themed party which consists of bright yellows and turquois colors and a big monkey face. Hunter could really care less, as most 1 year olds do not remember their party at all. However, for mommy it is a lot of fun choosing the theme, decorations, party favors, cupcakes/cake design, etc. Here is a picture of the Mod Monkey:

And adorable cake

There are so many birthday themes that I want to use for Hunter's various birthday parties. I have already thought of a few that I would like to use in the future. I realize when he is older he will be the one choosing the theme such as Cars, Toy Story, Dinosaurs, etc but for a few years I can have my say. The themes I love for little boy's birthday parties are:
1. The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
2. Ahoy, Party (pirates theme)
3. Barnyard birthday party complete with petting zoo (like I said if money grew on tree's....)
4. Trains themed birthday party

I never knew how much fun having a little boy would be until I finally had one. Hunter is such a laid back little guy and he is just so sweet. I am sad he is getting big so quickly but at the same time I look forward to watching him grow. Clint really can't wait for Hunter to be able to walk and run and play. He wants to turn my little baby into a football player. hahaha

Dinner at The Boathouse

Hunter drove us to dinner
Pop Pop, Granny Jan & Uncle Ben
Sunday Park
Allie Rae 3 going on 13