Thursday, November 11, 2010

Baby #3 ?!?!

12 weeks and 3 days pregnant

Make room for baby #3. We recently shared our exciting news with everyone at Hunter's birthday party. Baby #3 is due the middle of May 2011. We plan to deliver again at St. Francis Hospital and we are planning to find out the sex of the baby. A lot of people like to be surprised especially if they have one of each already like we do, but you know me, I do not like surprises! The Chinese Lunar Calendar predicts this one will be a boy based on the date of conception and my age. It was accurate with both Allie and Hunter, so we'll see. We should be finding out in January whether the baby is a boy or a girl. 

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Hunter's 1st Birthday

Hunter had a mod monkey birthday party

Checking out his birthday cake


time for presents

Hunter got a 4wheeler!

Gigi & Poppy with the little monkey

Mom Mom & Pop Pop Walt

Pop Pop & Granny Jan & Uncle Ben

Mommy & Daddy

Hunter had a great 1st birthday party. He enjoyed seeing everyone and playing. He loved eating birthday cake for the first time and he even got a little messy! The little monkey was all smiles and had a wonderful party!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hunter's 1st Halloween

Mommy's Little Kitty Cat

Gigi with the cutest monkey and kitty around

Allie and Hunter had a lot of fun trick or treating. We went to 12 houses and each time Allie rang the door bell and said 'trick or treat' along with 'meow'. She wanted to go to even more houses but it was getting late and cold out. Hunter would just smile when people would look at him and even though he had a cold he was still in a good mood for his first Halloween! We have more than enough candy and this year Allie is actually able to eat some of it-she loves the m&m's!