Monday, September 2, 2013

1st Visit to the American Girl Store

Kanani got her ears pierced!

American Girl Bistro

Alexis and her baby doll

Making a wish list :)

Pleaseeeeeeee Mommy

Successful trip to Tysons Corner American Girl store!

DC Visit

Embassy Suites Lobby

Water Falls by the Smithsonian

Having fun at the Museum of Natural History!



The White House


Washington DC Zoo



Carousel Fun

Cotton Candy!


Happy Birthday Pop Pop!

Happy Birthday Pop Pop!

Fun at the lake

Sisters <3 font="">

Feeding ducks at the lake

More Summer Memories


The kiddies had fun at Stony Point Fashion Park playing in the water sprinklers!
We had a fun playdate with Olivia and Mason

Picnic lunch on the deck with our friends

Sweet Frog for ice cream with Gigi and Poppy

Alexis loves ice cream!

Summer Memories

Allie has had a fun summer for sure! I surprised her when I signed her up for the Divas N Dudes doll camp. She had a blast with about 10 other girls getting their nails painted, hair done and making princess crowns. The dolls even got their hair done too!

Hunter's 1st movie-Disney's Planes

Hunter enjoyed the movie but got bored after the 30 minutes of previews and first hour of the movie. Maybe next time we will arrive late to bypass the previews :)

Allie enjoyed the movie and eating Gigi's popcorn :)

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July!!!

Fun In Maryland With The Grandparents!

We visited the Salisbury Zoo

the monkeys


Allie & the alligator

Uncle Ben and Hunter looking at the alligators

We had a fun picnic at the Zoo

The kids loved the playground at the Zoo!

Then we went swimming at Mom Mom's pool

Allie and Mom Mom

Lex & Mom Mom

Uncle Ben drove the kiddies to see the horse

Pop Pop had to work and couldn't go to the zoo with us :(

The kids loved playing in the grass at Pop Pop & Granny Jan's huge backyard!

 We drove to Fenwick, DE
for ice cream at the beach!

Dinner with Mom Mom & Pop Pop Walt